Cervical cancer screening gap for lesbian women perpetuated by myth

Up to 50,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual women (LGB) are missing out on screening tests for cervical cancer due to believing they are not at risk.

Misinformation spread in the past by charities warned that women who have sex with women don’t need to be screened. However, the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, can be transmitted through any type of sexual activity.

A survey conducted by the LGBT Foundation revealed that nearly one LGB women in five has never been to a cervical screening appointment.

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Speaking at Pride Week, the NHS’ national advisor for LGBT health, Dr Michael Brady, said: The misleading information that gay and bisexual women aren’t at risk of this disease is one of the most dangerous myths around, because it has created a screening gap for thousands, which is a major concern for our community.

“Let’s be clear: cancer does not discriminate. If you’ve got a cervix, you can get cervical cancer, and as cervical cancer is preventable people should take up their regular screening appointments.

“We also know that NHS screening services need to be inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual trans and non-binary people, and I’m delighted to have been asked to help the NHS address these issues and more.”

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