EFCG annual dinner to take place at Prado Museum

The 8th European Fine Chemicals Group (EFCG) annual dinner will be held on 14 October 2015, at the famous Prado Museum, Madrid, during CPhI Worldwide.

Guy Villax, ceo of Hovione FarmaCiencia and chairman of the organising committee, said: “This year’s dinner will be less formal, more enjoyable and will promote networking. It will take place at the Prado Museum, include a guided tour in your preferred language and close with a tapas-style dinner. Our Annual dinner brings together the top management from the European Fine Chemicals Industry with their counterparts in the worldwide pharma innovator and generic industries."

The evening will begin at 8.30pm with a private guided tour of the Prado followed by drinks and dinner, ending at 11.30pm.

For further information and group booking discounts, contact Travelstore, Lisbon, at efcgevent@travelstore.pt.

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