MasterControl passes ISO 9001:2015 re-certification

Global provider of software solutions, MasterControl, has revealed that it has passed its ISO 9001:2015 re-certification audit for quality management.

The ICO 9001:2015 is the latest revision of the international standard on quality management systems. Re-certification is required every three years.

“Because our customers rely on our software to help them achieve alignment with ISO 9001:2015, fundamentally, we believe that we should hold ourselves to the highest of standards,” said Jake Walton ASQ-CQA, CQPA, corporate operations and quality manager at MasterControl. “MasterControl received no citations for non-conformances or observations, which include departures from industry recognised best practices. In fact, the auditor said coming to audit our facilities is a pure joy for him because absolutely everything is in order. This re-certification can serve as an assurance to our customers that we have solid, comprehensive systems and processes in place to produce solutions and services that will help accelerate compliance and meet their own business objectives.”

The audit was performed this month (13–15 November) and involved a review of the company’s systems that ensure product quality and customer satisfaction. This re-certification confirms MasterControl’s conformance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard — which includes an increased emphasis on process-based quality management, integration of risk management concerns in all aspects of the quality management system and an emphasis on company leaders taking an active role in implementing and supporting quality processes.

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