Stick with it: could apps be used in post-transplant adherence?

Charité University of Berlin and the MyTherapy app have announced a collaboration on a new research project in post-transplant adherence.

A previous pilot study with professor Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen showed that MyTherapy has a positive impact on medication adherence among elderly patients.

In a new research project, kidney transplant patients will use MyTherapy as part of their post-transplant care routines.

Under the leadership of professor Dr Klemens Budde, 100 patients will use the MyTherapy app over six months.

The app (iOS and Android) will act as a support tool for the patients for adhering to their medication regimes, home measurements (e.g. blood pressure) as well as other treatment-related activities.

The Charité researchers will evaluate the app’s effectiveness in comparison to a control group of the same size.

It is especially important for transplant patients to fully adhere to their prescribed medications, as the danger of complications after a transplant can increase.

According to Budde, “every 1 in 6 kidneys is rejected due to poor adherence”.

Budde added: “Based on the positive study results from MyTherapy, we believe this app will help improve post-transplant outcomes”.

The results of the study will be presented at an upcoming Nephrology Conference.

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