Strategic alliance formed between Sygnature and ApconiX

A strategic alliance between Sygnature Discovery, provider of integrated drug discovery resource and expertise, and ApconiX, non-clinical safety strategies and ion channel screening experts, has been announced.

The partnership will enable Sygnature Discovery to offer extra value and capabilities to its clients, specifically in the area of toxicology. Additionally, it is anticipated that the alliance will strengthen Sygnature’s integrated drug discovery service offering to accelerate the discovery of new medicines from the lab into development for clients.

“Toxicology and functional electrophysiology assessments are essential aspects of the drug discovery and development process to ensure the safety of a potential drug prior to administration in humans. The specialists at ApconiX are world renowned scientists in non-clinical safety strategies and their skills will be of great benefit to our clients,” explained Dr Paul Clewlow, senior VP, Business Development, Sygnature Discovery. “The alliance between Sygnature Discovery and ApconiX will be mutually beneficial and together we can offer a more comprehensive integrated approach to any clients’ drug discovery programme. We are very much looking forward to working with ApconiX and introducing them to our clients.”

“The combination of our expertise in discovery toxicology and ion channel testing, with that of Sygnature’s medicinal chemistry-driven integrated drug discovery services, will help clients to make safer drugs,” commented Dr Michael Morton, director and co-founder of ApconiX. “Our ability to run high-throughput screens for important ion channel targets also compliments Sygnature’s extensive biology capability. This is a hugely exciting partnership!”

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