How do most women get the morning after pill?


To get the morning after pill 70% of women would visit a pharmacy over their GP, according to research released on International Women’s Day

The report by HRA Pharma, shows that across Europe, more than three in four women (77%) are aware of the morning after pill as an option for managing the risk of an unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

The research, which looks at the sexual behaviour of women in 20 European countries, revealed that more than half (52%) of women thought being spontaneous was a key sign of a satisfying sex life along with being in a secure relationship (74%).

But with spontaneity often comes the risk of unplanned pregnancy and this may be behind the reason why across Europe, 45% of all pregnancies are unintended, according to HRA Pharma.

Frédérique Welgryn, women's health therapeutic domain director from HRA Pharma, the manufacturer of ellaOne. said: "We understand that women don't want sex to be planned and so in instances where unprotected sex has occurred, which is the case in 30% of sexual intercourses, the emergency contraceptive pill is a smart, positive, choice, to remove that uncertainty,"

The morning after pill treatment is most effective when taken as soon as possible after contraceptive failure and the ellaOne (ulipristal acetate 30mg) emergency contraceptive pill, is available to 25 EU member states via pharmacy.

As a result, more than 114 million women in Europe now have direct access to the latest emergency contraceptive pill, according to the company.

Welgryn said: "Giving women the freedom to buy the morning after pill from their local pharmacy empowers them to choose the contraceptive option that's right for them, whatever the circumstances.

"Emergency contraception is not a regular form of contraception but is an effective choice for women who have had a contraceptive failure but who are not ready to have a baby and having access to this treatment at any time of day, without making an appointment is critical to making this choice valuable."

"International Women's Day celebrates the equality of women and we fully support the efforts and progress made on empowering the achievements of women across the social, economic, cultural and political spheres.

"Knowledge and understanding of the role of emergency contraception is part of this equality journey - putting women of all ages in complete control of their contraceptive choices."

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