The top five tweets: From the ‘secret payments’ to asthma — what interested EPM readers this week?

Here we count down the top five tweets from @EPM_magazine that have gained the most impressions this week, taken from Twitter analytics.

5. ABPI’s response to The Times’ investigation into ‘secret payments’ by pharma companies comes in at fifth this week.

4. In fourth place is the licensing agreement announcement, revealing that cell line technology is to be used in the R&D of Tillotts’ proprietary antibody.

3. This week’s middle spot goes to the piece on the publication of the new analytical method to predict drug efficacy.

2. Runner up is the news that Dupixent is to be reviewed as a potential treatment for inadequately controlled asthma.

1. This week’s number one is the announcement that TFS International has entered into an agreement for the R&D platform, Citeline.

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