EPM News Update
At CPhI, Cargill will focus on the versatility, performance and benefits of its Zerose erythritol in orally dispersible tablets (ODTs), chewable tablets and orodispersible granules.
In these applications, Zerose erythritol demonstrates off-taste-masking properties, whilst still benefiting from being a zero-calorie, non-hygroscopic, non-cariogenic polyol with a high-level of digestive tolerance.
Cargill employees will be on hand to discuss the results of Cargill’s studies, demonstrating the performance of Zerose erythritol as an excipient for astringent or bitter active ingredients in orodispersible granules and ODTs.
Liesbeth Meeus, Pharma & Personal Care Application Centre Leader for Cargill, explained: “We have undertaken studies evaluating actives such as L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol), demonstrating the performance benefits of Zerose on palatability and taste in ODTs.
“These have focused on off-taste-masking for unpalatable actives, dilution potential and disintegration performance to establish clear and valid comparisons with mannitol, the most widely used polyol for ODTs.”
Children, older people and people who are travelling are particular growth areas for ODTs. Over the last five years, Cargill has been developing Zerose erythritol as a pharma excipient for such tablets.
Alongside ODTs, orodispersible granules are also growing in popularity. They are intended to be placed in the mouth from a sachet, where they disperse readily in saliva, and examples of these will feature on the Cargill stand at CPhI.
Cargill also will present its pharmaceutical ethanols at this year’s CPhI under the banner ‘Making quality alcohol naturally’.
Cargill’s ethanol is used by many leading pharmaceutical companies in a variety of applications, including the production of tablets, extracts, tinctures, anaesthetics, antiseptics and liniments and lotions.
Fritz Sinn, Ethanol Segment Manager for Cargill, explained: “We will be exhibiting two varieties of our natural and highly purified product, the 96% and 99.9% strength versions, which can be denatured according customers’ requirements.
“Both products are produced in compliance with the EP standards and offer customers a sustainable natural ethanol with analytical and organoleptic stability.”
In conclusion, Liesbeth Meeus commented: “This year’s CPhI demonstrates the research and depth of application expertise which lies behind our extensive product portfolio, including polyols and dextrose. All of this supports Cargill’s continuing commitment to being one of the most trusted, dedicated and experienced pharma ingredient suppliers.”
Cargill’s offering is backed by international regulatory insight and a dedicated team of pharma innovators. Cargill has the capability to exploit both the distinctive capabilities of its individual ingredients and the potential synergies arising from combining ingredients in integrated systems, to meet a wider range of customer and application requirements.
Stand 62E39
Cargill Pharma, www.cargillpharma.com.