Quantum Pharma
Biodose.Quantum Pharmaceutical has received MHRA approval to provide liquid medication in the Biodose delivery system.
The Biodose system contains individual, portable liquid and solid medicine doses to help patients take the right amount of medication at the right time. Quantum Pharmaceuticals said the system was more accurate and convenient than taking liquid medicines with a spoon and could potentially generate savings for the NHS as well as improved patient outcomes.
“Medicine errors and wastage cost the NHS billions every year so you can see the benefits,” said the company’s Commercial Director Brian Fisher. “This could really change healthcare.”
The comments were echoed by managing director Andy Scaife. “All the medicines are in one place and they’re pre-measured, so it takes the pain away from patients, he said. “It’s also easy to see whether the medicine has been taken or not.”
Quantum Pharmaceutical, +44 800 0439 372, enquiries@quantumpharma.co.uk, www.quantum-specials.co.uk.