Fritsch has introduced a manual hydraulic pellet press for the preparation of high quality pellets with a smooth, homogeneous surface for spectral analyses such as x-ray fluorescence analysis or infrared spectroscopy for elementary analysis. It is ideal for fast and easy manufacturing of both solid and highly permeable pellets.
Features of the new pellet press are:
• availability of 12, 32, 15 and 40 mm diameter pressing tools;
• variable pressure force up to 250 kN;
• clearly designed pressure force display in 10 kN steps;
• simple operation via a hand lever;
• easy cleaning;
• single-stage piston stroke of max. 25 mm;
• automatic pressure relief in case of overstress;
• solid and compact with impact-resistant cladding.
Operation is simple — fill in the sample, close the magnetically held door and build up the desired pressure using the hand lever.
For comminution of the solid samples, Fritsch recommends the vibrating cup mill PULVERISETTE 9, which is ideal for extremely fast size-reduction of hard, brittle and fibrous materials down to analytical fineness.
Fritsch GmbH • Milling and Sizing, +49 67 84 70 146,,