PANalytical’s Epsilon 3 benchtop EDXRF spectrometer with a PCA cluster analysis showing a clear visualisation of different polyolefin types.Epsilon 3 is a PANalytical benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer for elemental analysis in industry process control and R&D. It is a highly flexible elemental analysis tool, suitable for a wide variety of sample types and shapes. Examples include whole tablets and packaging materials. The Epsilon 3 can accommodate large and irregular shaped materials. Advanced spectrum processing and state-of-the-art quantification algorithms ensure accuracy and precision.
There are two software modules — Omnian provides advanced easy-to-use elemental quantification analysis without the need for calibration standards and FingerPrint readily identifies counterfeit materials.
According to PANalytical, the Omnian module enables users to achieve the best possible analysis when dedicated methods or certified standards do not exist. A standardless analysis package, Omnian incorporates state-of-the-art software and setup samples that deliver fast and reliable results regardless of sample type or matrix.
The FingerPrint software module is ideal for material testing when analysis speed is important but the actual composition is not of interest. FingerPrinting generally involves little to no sample preparation and is non-destructive. It provides positive material identification and authentification. Sophisticated yet easy to use, FingerPrint software incorporates state-of-the-art statistical analysis procedures and easy to understand pass/fail reporting.
PANalytical’s XRF technologies offer non-destructive analysis with very high sensitivity and simple or no sample preparation. Elemental analysis using Omnian standardless analysis package can be performed on just milligrammes of sample. Instrument qualification (IQ) and operational qualification (OQ) procedures, originally designed for the pharmaceutical industry, validate instrument performance. Finally, audit trail and enhanced data security functionality record the sample analysis and data processing history in accordance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
PANalytical B.V., +31 546 534444,