Available from Asynt, the Lab-Bubble is a versatile piece of containment equipment that can be used to provide many different types of safety or controlled environments simply by using additional components to change the function of the enclosure.
The Lab-Bubble is designed and tested in various configurations for applications including handling of chemicals and powders, weighing, biological sample handling and PCR preparation. The environment in the Lab-Bubble can be controlled for humidity (20–55% RH) using a dry Nitrogen glove box and temperature of 15–30°C.
The air extraction on Lab-Bubble is provided via a small box section fan filtration system that incorporates a safe change HEPA/carbon combination filter.
Affordably priced, Lab-Bubble can be used as a simple storage unit and also as a demonstration/teaching unit. The construction of the main body of Lab-Bubble is from 6 mm clear moulded cast acrylic that ensures excellent visibility and is easily cleaned. The base section is durably constructed from chemically resistant, 10 mm thick high density polyethylene.
Asynt Ltd, +44 1638 781709,,