Avantor Performance Materials has announced that its unit in India, formerly RFCL Ltd, has changed its name to Avantor Performance Materials India Ltd.
The name change is the latest milestone in Avantor’s integration of the Indian operations it acquired in March 2011. The unit is a leading provider of chemicals and other products to laboratory, pharmaceutical and diagnostics customers in India. It employs approximately 320 people.
“This is a significant step in Avantor’s efforts to extend and strengthen its global reach and especially its presence in the important regional markets in India,” said John Steitz, President and CEO of Avantor. “Our colleagues in India have worked very hard on combining Avantor’s global quality systems and production expertise with RFCL’s unmatched knowledge of the India region’s dynamic chemicals and diagnostics markets and the new name of Avantor Performance Materials India Limited celebrates their achievement and marks our commitment to the region moving forward.”
Steitz said the name change will not affect the Indian unit’s production operations, customer service activities or product availability for customers in the region.
Avantor Performance Materials, Inc., +1 610 573 2683, bob.martin@avantormaterials.com, www.avantormaterials.com.