EPM News Update
ILS (International Laboratory Services) plans to return to full operations following the recent fire at its facility in Shardlow, Derbyshire, are well advanced and progressing to schedule.
Temporary laboratory space to replace the food and pharmaceutical microbiology block, which was most affected by the fire, has now been established on site and is in the process of being fitted out. ILS says it expects a UKAS inspection within the next two weeks and following approval, testing in this area will resume. This is an interim stage and the company has a dedicated team working on developing a permanent solution for its food and pharmaceutical microbiological testing services.
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry department has been able to transfer to facilities within ILS’s parent company’s laboratories on the same site and these will shortly be inspected by the MHRA.
The Food Chemistry business has been totally unaffected by the fire and continues to operate normally, currently providing an invaluable service including ELISA horsemeat testing during this period of industry concern.
“A serious incident like this is never welcome but we have been heartened both by the response of our employees and the support of our clients,” commented Lorraine Bater, Operations Director.
“Our emergency response plan has been very well executed and means we are moving as quickly as possible to ‘business as usual’ throughout all our operations. We thank our clients for their understanding and expect to have further positive news on our progress very shortly.”
ILS Ltd, +44 1332 793000, lbater@ilsmail.co.uk, www.ils-limited.co.uk.