Lab M
Lab M has made its comprehensive Product Guide available as a digital flip book or a pdf download as well as offering printed versions for those who prefer to access a hard copy in the laboratory. The flip book and pdf download can be accessed at or a print copy can be requested from
The latest additions to Lab M’s portfolio are featured in the guide. These include the new µPREP buffered peptone water (ISO), the first in a line of bagged, sterile dehydrated culture media that are made ready to use simply by adding water. Designed for high throughput laboratories where speed, convenience and cost-effectiveness are paramount and where storage space is at a premium, µPREP media are reconstituted and ready for use in minutes.
The expanding range of Captivate immunomagnetic separation (IMS) products also features as IMS continues to play an increasing role in the detection and isolation of Verocytoxin producing E. coli (VTEC)/Shiga Toxigenic E. coli (STEC).
Lab M Ltd, +44 161 820 3833,,