F.P.S. Food and Pharma Systems develops, manufactures and installs fine size reduction machines and containment solutions for sterile and highly toxic APIs worldwide.
At POWTECH 2013, 23–25 April, Nuremberg, Germany, Hall 1, Stand 542, the company will present an interchangeable milling station for the execution of milling operations in research and pilot plant departments, with different technologies integrated on a single system.
The platform incorporates:
• spiral jet mill type PILOTMILL-5 or PILOTMILL-6
• 100 mm pin mill 100
• loop mill type QMILL-6
• cone mill.
A minimum footprint is given for use in existing rooms.
The milling system can be operated in conjunction with a cryogenic exchanger which allows the reduction of process temperature down to -100˚C.
The system can be designed for installation in electric rated areas and with processing of OEB4/5 products if combined with the F.P.S. barrier isolator system.
F.P.S. Food and Pharma Systems Srl, +39 031 543429, sales@foodpharmasystems.com, www.foodpharmasystems.com.