Digital health start-up Klineo have announced that it has raised €2 million to improve equity of access to clinical trials. Its AI-based platform connects doctors and patients directly with relevant trials in less than a minute. This solution democratises access to new treatments for patients. This funding will enable Klineo to expand its solution to all types of cancer, in a context where the number of patients and clinical trials are experiencing significant growth.
Clinical trials offer a chance to benefit from the latest therapeutic innovations. But today, only a minority of cancer patients (<5%) take part in clinical trials, whereas a majority of patients (>70%) would be willing to participate if they knew about them. Up to 20% of trials fail due to lack of participants. This is the problem that Klineo aims to address with a solution that simplifies the previously complex and time-consuming trial search process for both patients and doctors.
According to Dr Arnaud Bayle, co-founder of Klineo and oncologist, "Today, too few patients benefit from a clinical trial because the search for one is a very tedious process. At Klineo, we offer a reliable, intuitive and fast solution that finally gives doctors and patients, wherever they are treated, the possibility of easily finding new therapeutic options adapted to each situation, and which ultimately enables medical research to progress."
"The trust and support of our investors reflect the importance of our mission: to guarantee fair access to clinical trials. This round of funding will enable us to expand our platform to all types of cancer, thereby accelerating the inclusion of patients in clinical trials," added Thomas Peyresblanques, CEO of Klineo.
The €2 million raised from the BPI and business angels will enable Klineo to cover all cancers in France by the end of 2024, with a near future extension to lung cancer. The company is expected to then expand to other countries (Europe, USA, etc.) and other pathologies (rare and neurological diseases, etc.). In addition, the funds will enable Klineo to expand its team and continue to improvethe platform both medically and technologically.
Klineo initiated a pilot project at the Gustave Roussy Institute in 2022 and launched the first national platform for triple-negative breast cancer in collaboration with a patient association, the CollectifTriplettes Roses. In 2023, Klineo extended its platform to include new cancers (breast, skin, lymphoma, etc.) and aims to cover all cancers by the end of 2024. Klineo also benefits from the support of a number of players, including the BPI, the Pfizer Healthcare Hub, Wilco, Onconumérique,PariSanté Campus and Unicancer, which awarded Klineo the "Jury's Favourite" prize as part of the Prix de l'Innovation 2022. Klineo works in partnership with both industrial sponsors (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Pierre Fabre, MSD, etc.) and academic institutions (Unicancer, LYSARC, etc.).