MM Packaging, the leading secondary packaging supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, is helping its customers clean up their serialisation and protect their products with the world-leading Clear Code anti-counterfeiting technology.
Clear Code is a pre-treatment or coating applied to cartons and labels that enables precise patterns to be applied to the substrate using CO2, Fibre, or YAG laser energy. This results in high contrast secure coding for pharma packaging that avoids the need to directly inscribe information by instead using bespoke colour changing technology.
This next-generation coding system produces codes that are completely scuff and smudge resistant and are not susceptible to environmental degradation.
Clear Code eliminates the problem of dust particles in packaging lines caused by abrasion – producing safer working conditions – while also ensuring Clear Code has the widest substrate compatibility in the industry.
This technology is cleaner, faster, and more efficient than alternative technologies, providing a solution to many of the problems facing modern pharmaceutical businesses.
Russell Hill, VP Sales and Innovation in MM Packaging US, said: “Clear Code is a revolution for pharmaceutical packaging design. As a leading provider of pharmaceutical packaging, we regularly see businesses struggling with serialisation: from technology producing excess dust, to sustainability agendas pushing you to use alternative methods, or needing to use more efficient technology to improve your efficiency ratios, Clear Code is both more sustainable and more cost-effective than other serialisation solutions. At MM Packaging, we’re committed to providing our customers with a wide range of value-added security solutions. Used alongside our other world-leading anti-counterfeiting technologies, Clear Code grants enhanced product oversight throughout the pharma supply chain, while offering protection unmatched protection against simulation.
“MM Packaging acts as a partner to our customers throughout the pack development process, incorporating serialisation during the packaging design stage to save time and money and optimise the downstream packaging production process. We’re delighted to be able to offer this cutting-edge solution and can’t wait to share its benefits with the wider industry.”