L.B. Bohle
T. Remmert (Sales Manager), A. Bohle (Head of Engineering), Dr. O. Gericke (District Administrator), L. Bohle (Managing Director), B. Lülf (Major of Ennigerloh), W. Pieper (IHK Westphalia), P. Michalczk-Hülsmann (gfw), R. Pawloski (Architect), W. Tillmann (former Major of Ennigerloh), T. Borgers (Head of Marketing).In October 2012, L.B. Bohle started to build new production facilities in Ennigerloh, Germany. In the first phase, a new plant with 3.700 m2 has been constructed. The production space covers 2,600 m2 and the other 1,100 m2 is divided into factory and offices.
With the new facilities, owner Lorenz B. Bohle said: “We are looking to achieve strong sales growth and more efficient production with a continuous flow of work.” Sixty new jobs will be created at the Ennigerloh facilities and for the county Warendorf.
L.B. Bohle has so far invested €5 million in the new plant and has a further €1 million planned for the next phase of updating the old plant.
Bohle added: “The target of this investment is to accommodate a year-on-year increase in sales of 20%.” The main driving factor for this significant expansion is the success of the company’s coating machines, which are being produced at the plant.
L.B. Bohle Maschinen + Verfahren GmbH, +49 2524 9323 150, t.borgers@lbbohle.de, www.lbbohle.de.